Saturday, December 31, 2011

WOTDTCTY - I Welcome You To Join ME!!!!

It's 0145 am and Its the last day of the year!!! I can't sleep and this idea suddenly came to me.  To complete this passing year, 2011, I will finish by completing the WOTDTCTY (Workout Of The Day To Complete The Year).  

This workout will entail the following exercises:

Pullups - 365 - for each of the days this past year.

Pushups - 2011 - for this year, 2011 which is passing us and has very been so fast.

Crunches - 2012 - for the year 2012 which very soon to come.

Run - 12 mile sand run - for each month in 2011 (0800 am & 1600 pm - the two times will be the times I will be running 6 miles. )


By the end of the year, I will finish this workout.  If you want to join in, you can DOOOO IIIITTTTT!!!!!!!!!!  

Everyone have a FANTASTIC NEW YEAR'S EVE!!!!  

Thursday, December 29, 2011

4 Awesome Exercises for your Lower Back and Total Core & Playlist Preview

So here are few things you can do to really strengthen and/or rehabilitate any back injuries or issues as I talked about earlier this week.  To ensure complete core training, throw the below exercises into your mix of your current routine if you already have a program and if not, its never too late to begin a physical training program.

#1 - Plank - This is most likely in everyones workout.  If it is not, definitely throw this in the mix.  Planks are excellent for not only building abdominal strength, but are great for strengthening those lower back muscles.

- You should start off by completing 3 sets of a 30 second plank holds.  Eventually working your way up to 1 minute holds. 

#2 - Seated Medicine Ball Trunk Rotation - Single dumbell, medicine ball or weight plates are all options for using a piece of resistance equipment;  select a weight that will be challenging.

- You should start off by completing 3 sets of a 30 seconds of seated trunk twists.  Eventually working your way up to 1 minute twists.  To make it more challenging, try holding your legs off the ground.

#3 - Prone Back Raises (On Floor or Swiss Ball) - This is good for building back strength in your Erector Spinae, which are the muscles that run straight down you spine, keeping you disks in place.

- To ensure you getting a thorough workout with this exercise, try holding each extension when you are in the up position for 5 - 10 seconds, raising your chest of the ground or medicine ball.  Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions.

#4 - Knee Rollers - While laying in a supine position (laying flat on you back), Bring your feet off the ground and keeping your knees at a 90 degree angle and both arms out to your side.  While keeping your shoulder blades to the ground and your knees together, roll them side to side very slowly, controlling the movement with your core.  This works your complete core, front, back, and side to side.

- You should start off by completing 3 sets of a 30 seconds of knee rollers.  Eventually working your way up to 1 minute of rollers.  

For you intense people out there, I posted my PLAYLIST for the workout I have planned tomorrow.  ENJOY!!!!!
Youth of the Nation by P.O.D.
Amended by Mudshovel
Worth Dying For by Rise Against
Knife Party by Deftones
30/30 - 150 by Stoner Sour
Passenger by Deftones
When Worlds Collide by Powerman 5000
Make Yourself by Incubus
Blind by Korn
Alive by P.O.D.
Slaughtered by Pantera
Under by Filter
Be Somebody by Kings of Leon
Revenga by System of a Down
Ain't Talkin' bout Love by Van Halen
High by Jimmie's Chicken Shack
That Smell by Lynyrd Skynyrd
Under the Knife by Rise Against
Not Falling by Mudvayne
Deep Inside by Incubus
I Hate Everything About You by Three Days Grace
The Pride by Five Finger Death Punch
Hot for the Teacher by Van Halen
My Own Summer [Shove It] by Deftones
Get Up! by KORN featuring Skrillex
With You by Linkin Park
Tush by ZZ Top
Liberate by Slipknot
Arrested for Driving While Blind by ZZ Top
Hypnotize by System of a Down
Light It Up by Rev Theory
Another Day by Jimmie's Chicken Shack
Goodbye for Now by P.O.D.

Tuesday, December 27, 2011

Lower Back Pains, Herniated and Bulging Disks

It seems like up until recently, the more people I have talked to, have had or suffers from back problems that include issues with herniated or bulgingh discs. Whats happening here? What does this even mean??

I did a little research to help everyone better understand what this type of injury means and what you can do to prevent injuries or help in rehabilitaitng current issues.

I went on to the Mayo CLinic's information URL and found the following article from Randy A. Shelerud, M.D.

Bulging and herniated disks
Disks act as cushions between the vertebrae in your spine. They're composed of an outer layer of tough cartilage that surrounds softer cartilage in the center. It may help to think of them as miniature jelly doughnuts, exactly the right size to fit between your vertebrae.

A bulging disk extends outside the space it should normally occupy. The bulge typically affects a large portion of the disk, so it may look a little like a hamburger that's too big for its bun. The part of the disk that's bulging is typically the tough outer layer of cartilage. Usually bulging is considered part of the normal aging process of the disk and is common to see on MRIs of people in almost every age group.

A herniated disk, on the other hand, results when a crack in the tough outer layer of cartilage allows some of the softer inner cartilage to protrude out of the disk. The protrusion of inner cartilage in a herniated disk usually happens in one distinct area of the disk and not along a large component of the disk, which is more typical of a bulging disk. Herniated disks are also called ruptured disks or slipped disks.

Bulging disks are more common. Herniated disks are more likely to cause pain. But many people have bulging disks or herniated disks that cause no pain whatsoever.

Preventing Back Pain and Injury

These are some very useful and simple things you can do to help prevent back pain or injury moving forward.

1) Practice proper posture when sitting at work, school, or your house.

2) Incorporate total core strengthening in your weekly workout routines, ensuring you are training the front, back, and sides of your abdominal and lower back regions.

3) Learn proper technique when lifting, moving, or carrying heavy weight or objects whether in the gym or at work.

4) Reduce your stress levels, as stress causes muscle tension and tightness, as a result causes pain or increases pain levels if it already exists.

If you have any further questions regarding lower back pains or disk issues, please feel to drop me a line and I will work with you any way I can.

Stay tuned this week for workouts to help strengthen your lower back muscles and increase your total core strength.

Reference -

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Tips to Stay on Top

Well, its that time of the year again and it seems like the whole year has flown by with a blink of your eyes.  A lot of us wonder where the past year has gone, and time was not our our side!!!  I know a lot of people, including myself, that has made complete lifestyle transformations for a healthy lifestyle.  I just wanted to pass along a few of my own techniques to help you get through the holidays so you don't feel like you have wasted all the hard work you have put into yourself over the past few months, and yes, it is very easy to fall off the "Health" Bandwagon during the holidays if you are not careful.
One of the most important things you can do this time of the year for yourself, your family, and friends is to stay positive, NO MATTER WHAT!!!  Believe it or not, people notice if you are having a bad day.  When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself as you are lying in bed, "I will have a great day today!"  Staying positive will help others around you absorb your positive energy and ensure that everyone is happy during the holidays.
Secondly, I know first hand that eating healthy during this time of the year is next to impossible.  So my advice to all of you is PORTION CONTROL.  Do not let people shove food down your throat!  Establish your ground when it comes to dinner and dessert time.  Enjoy the food that everyone prepares, but just don't over do it.  Most of the time, the pot luck dinners are  prepared with some of the most unhealthiest ingredients in the stores.  Same with the desserts.  Enjoy the food around you, just in moderation.  Trust me, people will notice when you demonstrate self control when it comes to dinner and dessert time and they will look up to you for motivation when they make that first step to a healthier lifestyle.
Lastly, going to the gym or exercising seems to get pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists during the holidays.  Instead of going to the gym or going to a group fitness class, engage in some group sport activities with your family.  Get outdoors if the weather permits.  Go on a walk with your parents after dinner or walk a few times around the mall for a little bit of exercise.  This will help to keep burning the calories even though you are not at the gym.  Most importantly, make sure you initiate the physical activity so people can see you are serious about the new lifestyle changes you have made for yourself and then they will be motivated to follow suit.
Remember the three easy tips this Christmas to keep your personal health goals on track: STAY POSITIVE, PORTION CONTROL, and FUN PHYSICAL FAMILY ACTIVITIES.  I promise, if you can stick to these tricks this year, you not only will have a unforgettable time with your family and friends, you will help change lives, especially ones that mean the most to you. 
I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

Tuesday, December 6, 2011

Healthy Family Dinner Series - Course 4 Recipe - Home-made Pumpkin Pie From Scratch!!!

Ingredients and Equipment
  •  A sharp, large serrated knife
  • an ice cream scoop
  • a large bowl or large pot 
  • 1 large (10 inch) deep-dish pie plate and pie crust
  • a pie pumpkin or 2 or 3 (small sweet pumpkins) 
  • 1 cup sugar – Sugar in the Raw brand 
  • 1.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
  • 4 large eggs - to reduce fat and cholesterol, you may use egg whites
  • 3 cups pumpkin glop
  • 1.5 cans (12oz each) of non-fat evaporated milk

Directions for Making Pumpkin Pie from Scratch 
Yield: It really depends on the size of the pumpkin and the size of your pie plate. If you use a 6" pie pumpkin and a full deep dish 9" pie plate, then it should fill that pie to the brim and maybe have enough extra for either a small (4 inch) shallow pie (or a crustless pie - see step 11). Some people manage to make 2 full pies, especially if they use shallow pie plates and/or 8 inch pie plates. 

Step 1 - Get your pie pumpkin
"Pie pumpkins" are smaller, sweeter, less grainy textured pumpkins than the usual jack-o-lantern types. Grocery stores usually carry them in late September through December in the U.S. In some parts of the country, they are also called sugar pumpkins or even "cheese pumpkins".  They're only about 6 to 8 inches in diameter (about 20 to 24 inches in circumference).
Just like selecting any squash, look for one that is firm, no bruises or soft spots, and a good orange color. One 6" pie pumpkin usually makes one 10 inch deep dish pie and a bit extra; or two 9 inch shallow pies! If you have extra goop, you can always pour it into greased baking pans and make a crustless mini pie with the excess (and the cooked pies do freeze well!) 

Step 2 - Prepare the pumpkin for cooking
Wash the exterior of the pumpkin in cool or warm water, no soap.
Cut the pumpkin in half. A serrated knife and a sawing motion works best - a smooth knife is more likely to slip and hurt you! 

Step 3 - Scoop out the seeds...
And scrape the insides. You want to get out that stringy, dangly stuff that coats the inside surface. I find a heavy ice cream scoop works great for this.
The seeds can be used either to plant pumpkins next year, or roasted to eat this year! Place them in a bowl of water and rub them between your hands. then pick out the orange buts (throw that away) and drain off the water. Spread them out on a clean towel or paper towel to dry and they're ready to save for next year's planting or roast.  

Step 4 - Cooking the pumpkin   
Bake in the oven
You can also bake the prepared pumpkin in the oven, just like a butternut squash. This method takes the longest. Basically, you cut and scoop out the pumpkin as for the other methods, place it cut side down into a covered oven container. Cover the ovenproof container (with a lid), and pop it in an 350 F (165 C) oven. It normally takes about 45 minutes to 90 minutes (it can vary a lot!); just test it periodically by sticking it with a fork to see if it is soft! 

Step 5 - Scoop out the cooked pumpkin
Whether you cook the pumpkin on the stove, microwave, or even the oven, once it is cooked until it is soft, it is easy to scoop out the guts with a broad, smooth spoon, (such as a tablespoon). Use the spoon to gently lift and scoop the cooked pumpkin out of the skin. It should separate easily an in fairly large chucks, if the pumpkin is cooked enough.
Many times the skin or rind will simply lift off with your fingers.
Note: there are many varieties of pumpkin and some make better pies that other (due to sugar content, flavor, texture and water content. Drier, sweeter, fine-grained pies; the small (8" across) ones called "pie pumpkins" are best.
Watery pumpkin?
If your pumpkin puree has standing, free water, you may want to let it sit for 30 minutes and then pour off any free water. That will help prevent you pie from being too watery! Beyond, that, I have not found that the water makes a difference - I wouldn't be TOO concerned about it! The recipe accounts for the liquid! 

Step 6 - Puree the pumpkin
To get a nice, smooth consistency, you can use a hand blender. By blending it, you give the pie a smooth, satiny texture; rather than the rough graininess that is typical of cooked squashes. 

Step 7 - Done with the pumpkin!
The pumpkin is now cooked and ready for the pie recipe.
Note: You may freeze the puree or pie filling to use it later! Just use a freezer bag or other container to exclude as much air as possible. It should last a year or more in a deep freezer. On the other hand, you may NOT "can" it. 

Step 8 - Mix the pie contents
If you start with a fresh 8" pie pumpkin, you will get about 3 cups of cooked, mashed pumpkin. The right amount of ingredients for this is as follows: 
  • 1 cup sugar – Sugar in the Raw brand
  • 1.5 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1 teaspoon ground cloves
  • 1 teaspoon ground allspice
  • 1/2 teaspoon ground ginger
  • 1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract 
  • 4 large eggs - to reduce fat and cholesterol, you may use egg whites
  • 3 cups pumpkin glop
  • 1.5 cans (12oz each) of non-fat evaporated milk 
Mix well using a hand blender or mixer .

Step 9 - Pour into the pie crust
I like a deep, full pie, so I fill it right up to about one quarter to one half inch from the very top.
Don't be surprised if the mixture is very runny! It may start as a soupy liquid, but it will firm up nicely in the oven! 

Step 10 - Bake the pie
Bake at 425 F (210 C ) for the first 15 minutes, then turn the temperature down to 350 F ( 175 C ) and bake another 45 to 60 minutes, until a clean knife inserted into the center comes out clean.
Here is the finished pie, right out of the oven:
I use a blunt table knife to test the pie. The one at left has already been stuck in the pie, and you see it comes out pretty clean, when the pie is done. 

Step 11 - Cool the pie
And enjoy! Warm or chilled, with whipped cream, ice cream or nothing at all - it's great!
You can even freeze the pie after cooking it. I just lay a piece of plastic wrap (cling film) tight on the pie, after it cools down, then pop it in the freezer. 
Later, you can take the frozen pie out of the freezer, put it in the fridge for about 24 hours, and then either heat it in the oven (350 F for about 15 minutes; just to warm it up) or the microwave for a few minutes.

Healthy Family Dinner Recipe - Course 3 Recipe - Chipotle & Orange Grilled Chicken


Serves – 4

Prep Time – 10 min

Total Time – 25 min

Nutrition Profile: Diabetes Appropriate, Gluten Free Diet, Healthy Weight, Heart Healthy, Low Calorie, Low Car, Low Sat Fat, Low Sodium


2 tablespoon orange-juice concentrate, thawed

1 tablespoon finely chopped chipotle peppers in adobo sauce, (see Note)

1 tablespoon balsamic vinegar

2 teaspoons unsulfured molasses

1 teaspoon Dijon mustard

1 pound boneless, skinless chicken breasts,, trimmed

Salt to taste


Step 1
Preheat grill or broiler.

Step 2
Whisk together orange-juice concentrate, chipotle pepper, vinegar, molasses and mustard in a small bowl.

Step 3
Lightly oil the grill or broiler rack (see Tip). Season chicken with salt and grill or broil for 2 minutes. Turn, brush with the glaze and cook for 4 minutes, brushing occasionally with glaze. Turn again, brush with the glaze, and cook until the center is no longer pink, 1 to 2 minutes longer.


Note: Chipotle chiles in adobo sauce are smoked jalapeños packed in a flavorful sauce. Look for the small cans with the Mexican foods in large supermarkets. Once opened, they’ll keep up to 2 weeks in the refrigerator or 6 months in the freezer.

Tip: To oil a grill rack: Oil a folded paper towel, hold it with tongs and rub it over the rack. (Do not use cooking spray on a hot grill.) When grilling delicate foods like tofu and fish, it is helpful to spray the food with cooking spray.

Tuesday, October 25, 2011

Healthy Family Dinner Series - Course 2 Recipe - ASIAN GREEN BEAN STIR FY


Prep Time20 min.
Total Time20 min.

Nutrition Profile:  Diabetes Appropriate, Gluten Free Diet, Healthy Weight, Heart Healthy, High Fiber, Low Calorie, Low Carb, Low Cholesterol, Low Sat Fat, Low Sodium


1 teaspoon sesame oil1 pound green beans, trimmed and cut into 1-inch pieces, Pinch of crushed red pepper, or to taste1/2 cup water1 14-ounce c mixed stir-fry vegetables, rinsed, or 1 1/2 cups frozen mixed stir-fry vegetables, thawed1 tablespoon black bean-garlic sauce, (see Ingredient note)



Step 1 Heat oil in a large skillet over medium-high heat. Add green beans and crushed red pepper and cook, stirring often, until seared in spots, 2 to 3 minutes. Add water, cover, reduce heat to medium and cook, stirring occasionally, about 3 minutes for tender-crisp or 6 minutes for tender. Uncover, increase heat to medium-high, add stir-fry vegetables and black bean-garlic sauce. Cook, stirring often, until heated through and most of the liquid has evaporated, 1 to 2 minutes.



Ingredient Note: Black bean-garlic sauce: This savory, salty sauce used in Chinese cooking is made from fermented black beans, garlic and rice wine. Found in the Asian-food section of large supermarkets or at Asian markets. Use it in stir-fries and marinades for beef, chicken or tofu.

Tuesday, October 18, 2011

Healthy Family Dinner Series - Course 1 Recipe - GREEK DINNER SALAD


Diet Friendly for the Following: Diabetes Appropriate, Gluten Free Diet, Healthy Weight, Heart Healthy, High Fiber, Low Calorie, Low Cholesterol, and Low Saturated Fat

Serves - 4 people

Prep Time - 35 min

Total Time - 35 min

INGREDIENTS3 tablespoon nonfat plain yogurt

3 tablespoon reduced-fat mayonnaise
2 tablespoon lemon juice
2 tablespoon chopped fresh mint
1 clove garlic, minced
1 teaspoon honey
1/2 teaspoon salt
1 medium zucchini, finely diced
1 large red bell pepper, finely diced
1 bunch radishes, finely diced
1 15-ounce c chickpeas, rinsed
4 large Boston lettuce leaves, for serving
Step 1
Whisk yogurt, mayonnaise, lemon juice, mint, garlic, honey and salt in a small bowl until creamy.
Step 2
Toss zucchini, bell pepper, radishes and chickpeas in a large bowl. Pour the dressing over the vegetables; toss gently. To serve, spoon into lettuce leaves, using them as cups.

Store the chopped salad and dressing separately, tightly covered, in the refrigerator for up to 1 day.

Monday, October 10, 2011

NOW INTRODUCING - The Healthy Family Dinner Series!!!!

For the remainder of the week and moving forward, I will be providing recipes for multi course meals that readers may use to help begin to start incorporating healthy cooking and eating habits throughout their families households.  Furthermore, I have designed the Family Dinner Series, so that at the end of the week, you can put all the Meal Course Recipes together and have a family feast.  Research shows that families who dine together as a whole engaging in fellowship on a regular basis, tend to live lives full of happiness and love and in the long run this contributes to living an overall healthy, wholesome life.
 I will be posting the new course recipes on the blog site and these will be visible on the right navigation pane.  If you miss the recipe from the day before, don't worry, because I will post the entire recipe for the full meal every Friday.  And remember, get your WHOLE family together and prep and cook as a team.  Not only will you be eating a very healthy dinner, you will also enjoy this family time.

If you have any questions or requests for certain foods, please don't hesitate to drop me a message or comment on the post.

Bon Apetit! 

Healthy Recipe for the Week - A Gilding of Shrimp & Saffron Rice


Recipe Overview -

Serves 4
Prep Time - 40 min
Total time - 60 min

Nutrition Info: Diabetes Appropriate, Gluten Free Diet, Healthy Weight, Heart Healthy, High Fiber, High Potassium,Low Calorie, and Low Sat Fat


2 1/2 cups
1 teaspoon
salt, divided
1/4-1 teaspoon
saffron threads, (see Ingredient Note)
1 cup
long-grain brown rice
2 tablespoon
extra-virgin olive oil
medium yellow summer squash, quartered lengthwise and cut into 1/4-inch-thick slices
1 pound
raw shrimp, (21-25 per pound), peeled and deveined
1/3 cup
tightly packed fresh mint leaves, finely chopped
2 tablespoon
lemon juice
Freshly ground pepper, to taste

Step 1
Bring water, 1/2 teaspoon salt and saffron to taste to a boil in a medium saucepan. Add rice, return to a boil, cover and reduce the heat to maintain a gentle simmer. Cook until the water is absorbed and the rice is tender, 40 to 45 minutes. Fluff with a fork.

Step 2
About 10 minutes before the rice is done, heat oil in a large skillet over medium heat. Add squash and cook, stirring occasionally, until just tender (do not brown), 5 to 7 minutes. Stir in shrimp and cook, stirring constantly, for 2 minutes. Stir in mint and cook for 30 seconds. Stir in lemon juice; remove from heat. Season with the remaining 1/2 teaspoon salt and pepper. Serve over the rice.


Ingredient Note: Saffron, the world's most expensive spice, is the dried stigma of a crocus and contributes a pungent flavor and intense yellow color to food. It is sold in threads and powdered form.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


     So it seems like the new fad out there is the HCG Diet.  Bascially, the HCG diet is a scam diet that is being marketed and sold in Weight Loss Clinics and Doctors offices across the United States.  According to Jennifer Nelson R.D. at the Mayo Clinic, in a nutshell, you go to one of these weight loss clinics or doctors offices and they give you injections of the hormone HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin) and they put you on a 500-800 calorie diet.  These clinics market that you lose 1-2 lbs. per week on this diet.  YES, because you are starving yourself because of the restricted calories. 
     Lets take a step back for a second and discuss HCG.  The Human Chorionic Gonadotropin is a hormone that women produce during pregnancy.  When this hormone is prescribed by a doctor, it is prescribed specifically for fertility for women that are trying to get pregnant.  And people are actually paying to get injected with this hormone and then starve themselves.
     Science proves that basic human cell biology is fueled by carbohydrates as the primary source of fuel.  Science also shows that the minimum caloric intake for women is 1200 calories and for men is 1400 calories (American Dietitian Association's Complete Guide to Nutrition).  If you deprive yourself of at least this amount of calories, you will experience many internal physiological complications.  These complications include headaches, feeling tired throughout the day, lowered energy and the list goes on.
     To add to this, there is no scientific data that shows the effectiveness of the HCG hormone actually promoting weight-loss.  The FDA has not sanctioned experimental trials thus far.  If you have talked to a doctor that supports this diet, they know the dangers of this diet, because they know what damage is done when you deprive your body of calories and they know ultimately you will end up right in their office for the complications that will arise.  Its a never ending circle of scams!!
     Finally, as Karen Nelson, R.D. at the Mayo Clinic stated, once you go off this diet, you WILL GAIN ALL YOUR WEIGHT BACK.  This article is just scratching the surface on this topic so if you have any questions, please do not hesitate to email me.  If you want to check out articles by the person I cited, her website is

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Last Weeks Healthy Recipe - BEEF AND CHILE VERDE

Serves 4
Prep Time 20 min.
Total Time 30 min.
Nutrition Profile: Diabetes Appropriate, Gluten Free Diet, Healthy Weight, Heart Healthy, High Fiber, High Potassium, Low Calorie, Low Cholesterol, Low Sat Fat


1 pound 93%-lean ground beef

1 large red bell pepper, chopped

1 large onion, chopped

6 cloves garlic, chopped

1 tablespoon chili powder

2 teaspoons ground cumin

1/4 teaspoon cayenne pepper, or to taste

1 16-ounce j green salsa, green enchilada sauce or taco sauce

1/4 cup water

1 15-ounce c pinto or kidney beans, rinsed


Cook beef, bell pepper and onion in a large saucepan over medium heat, crumbling the meat with a wooden spoon, until the meat is browned, 8 to 10 minutes. Add garlic, chili powder, cumin and cayenne; cook until fragrant, about 15 seconds. Stir in salsa (or sauce) and water; bring to a simmer. Reduce heat to medium-low, cover and cook, stirring occasionally, until the vegetables are tender, 10 to 15 minutes. Stir in beans and cook until heated through, about 1 minute.

Server and Enjoy. May be refrigerated for up to 3 days and reheat before eating.

Thursday, September 15, 2011

-An Inspiration to Us All-

Over the past several months I have had the honor of training and watching 2 special people become an inspiration in my life and I think it is important that I tell you about these guys so they too will inspire YOU!

After a few months of living in Huntington Beach, CA, a colleague of mine introduced to me a young man that needed a new trainer.  This guy is a 14 year old water polo player who has more focus than anyone I have met in my entire life.  It has been an honor training this young fellow because of his dedication to his personal success is amazing.  Most of my clients spend about a month to build up and get on a solid workout schedule and for most people its like pulling teeth trying to teach and educate them on proper nutrition habits and the importance of living a healthy lifestyle.  Not this kid!!!  This guy wakes up in the morning and has sauteed spinach with his eggs and toast.  This is someone who busts out full dead hang pull-ups and knocks out push-ups like its no tomorrow.  When we started working together earlier this year, he only could do 3 dead hang pull-ups.  In 1 week he was up to 8 pull-ups, then in 3 weeks, he was up to 15 pull-ups.  There is only 1 way to increase your reps this fast, and that is BUSTING YOUR BUTT EVEN WHEN YOU ARE NOT WORKING WITH YOUR TRAINER.  This guy was banging out pull ups and push ups every night before bed.  And it showed.

At the end of the summer I was able to go watch this incredible 14 year old play in the Junior Olympics for Water Polo.  I was able to catch 3 matches and I saw him work his butt off and dominate in the WATER.  His hard work and dedication is a motivation for me to stay focused and it reminds me everyday that if a 14 year old can do it, anyone can do it.


Stayed tuned next week for PART II of this article........

Saturday, August 13, 2011

BAREFoot Footwear: Not a Shoe, a Way of Life!

Earlier this year when I moved out to California, I was introduced to the Vibram FiveFingers (  They are a glove-like shoe that has individual toe pockets and feels like you are literally walking barefoot.  I did some research and decided to try them for myself, and let me tell you, I LOVE THEM!!!  I switched over to the Vibrams in March this year (2011) and I was eager to begin a strenuous workout regiment.  I learned the hard way!  From day 1 I started running sprints on a grass field and during the first two weeks, I could barely walk when I got out of bed.  I was warned by several people to take it easy when you first get them.  There is an adjustment period that you have to allow your body to adjust to the new kicks.
The barefoot style is different from traditional shoes because it eliminates the heel to toe strikes.  Instead, as you adjust, your strides shorten and you begin to have mid-foot strikes.  And when running/jogging, you run on the balls of your feet.  Many people think that this will cause shin splints, but it actually does not.  Vibram has a very good reference page to learn the mechanics of each style of walking/running.  Check it out to learn more -
Since I have switched over to my FiveFingers, I have noticed a complete transformation in many aspects of my personal physiology.  My balance has improved tremendously and I continue to enhance my stability and neurological response systems that work directly with all my muscles in my feet, ankles, and knees.  My posture has also changed resulting in less stress from my lower back reducing soreness that was present in the past from previous injuries as well as a lack of strength and stability.
I recommend that everyone give Vibram FiveFingers a try!!!  Just remember you legs, ankles, and feet muscles will be sore for the first month as you adjust to the new mechanics.
If you have any questions or comments, please feel free to drop me a line!!  Cheers! 

Friday, July 1, 2011

A couple months ago, I has to write a paper for my Economics class.  I chose to write about the FDA.  I specifically wrote about the food and dietary supplements that the FDA regulates and I also felt that I would be able to write something here that my clients can actually benefit from.  Well, enjoy the research paper, I did get an A on the project and I would like to know what you think as well.  If you would like a work cited page, one will be provided upon request.  

The Food and Drug Administration:  FOOD
By: William Bowen
Class:  American Economic Problems, T/TH
Professor Keep
Date:  05/17/2011

The FDA’s responsibility in the food category entails all domestic and imported food except meat, poultry, and frozen, dried and liquid eggs, which the US Department of Agriculture oversees those areas of the food industry.  Under the Food and Nutrition sections, the FDA is in place to set regulations, make compliances and issue policies in order to monitor the entire food market.  Within this section of the paper I am going to analyze the Food and Nutrition structure within the FDA focusing on the strengths and weaknesses of the current Administration, as well as providing suggested areas of improvement, such as stricter regulations on bioengineered foods and dietary supplements.  When it comes to all the regulations, compliances and issued policies that are in place for the Food and Nutrition section, the FDA covers the registration of food facilities, imported foods, Shell Egg Producer Licensing, food labeling and nutrition, dietary supplements, produce and plant products, seafood, food ingredients and packaging, enforcement, and finally food defense and anti-terrorism.  All in all, the FDA protects national food supply and regulates the safety of food for the American people.
Before getting in too deep in the structure of the food and nutrition sections, it is important to understand what an economic importance the food market industry plays in the U.S. economy today.  The yearly statistics published by the FDA estimate that consumers spend approximately twenty-five cents of every dollar on products that are regulated by the FDA.  Furthermore, of that amount, approximately 75 percent is spent on foods.  The Center oversees and regulates $417 billion worth of domestic food, $49 billion worth of imported foods, and more than $60 billion worth of cosmetics sold throughout interstate commerce.  The FDA also published that there are more than 377,000 registered food facilities that manufacture, process, package, and hold food consumed by humans or animals in the United States and several thousand cosmetic firms, which includes approximately 154,000 domestic facilities and 223,000 foreign facilities. (CFSAN)  The economic importance of the American food industry is incredible.  It accounts for 20% of the U.S. Gross National Product, and according to the FDA, it employs an estimated 14 million individuals with jobs and an additional 4 million jobs in related industries.
Under the compliance and regulations of the various food areas, there are 25 programs that have been created, from documents and policies on imported food and dietary supplements to guidelines and polices on creating nutrition labels and categorizing safe from unsafe ingredients in foods.  CFSAN has the responsibility of overseeing the administration of all 25 compliance programs.  The FDA has published the “Food and Drug Administration Compliance Program Guidance Manual”, which covers all of the areas of food safety, how each particular program will operate, annual program enhancements, oversight instructions of each program, and enforcement of compliance.  CFSAN must use the Compliance Manual to carry out policies and regulations in place to ensure complete food safety across all levels of the market and industry. 
According to the FDA website, The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition (CFSAN) was established to work in conjunction with the Agency’s field staff, and is responsible for promoting and protecting the public’s health by ensuring that the nation’s food supply is safe, sanitary, wholesome, and honestly labeled, and that cosmetic products are safe and properly labeled.  The FDA’s Compliance Program Manual is the Bible for CFSAN and their administration practices.  I will be referencing various chapters of the Compliance Program Manual as I address strengths and weakness throughout the food area of the FDA. 
When focusing on the food labeling and nutrition area of the FDA, there are many regulations and policies that are set in place to ensure that the information on the food labels and nutrition facts are accurate and to ensure the consumer is completely informed of the foods, ingredients, or edible substance they decide to put in their bodies.  The Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act of 1938 outlines how the entire food section will be regulated and The Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990 was designed to give consumers more scientifically valid information about foods they eat.  As part the Labeling and Education Act of 1990, the guidelines on how to test the food to find out if any ingredients in foods were related to any health problems were put into place.  This helps the FDA maintain strict regulations on processed foods, mass produced fruits or vegetables, and other means of the production of food.  The FDA also regulates the information and lingo used on the front of food packaging that describes the amount of vitamins or minerals found in a single serving.  For example, a food product that reads “High, Rich in, Excellent source of” means 20% or more of the Daily Value.  If a label reads “Good source, Contains, Provides” means 10% to 19% of the Daily Value.  And if the label reads “More, Enriched, Fortified, Added” means 10% or more of the Daily Value (Duyff

Along with scientific tests that are carried out under the Nutrition Labeling and Education Act of 1990, the FDA also completes health and diet surveys every 6 years to find out information from consumers how much information they know about general health and wellness, as well as understanding the relationships between certain foods that contain higher amounts of fat and the increased risk of coronary heart disease.  Through these surveys, the FDA is able to determine what guidelines they will set for food label content the industry producers will need to include on the specific label.  They also create guidelines that food manufacturers must follow for healthy food symbols on the front of any product packaging.  Exhibit 1 shows and excerpt from the “Fact Sheet: Key Findings from 2002 and 2008 U.S. Food and Drug Administration’s Health and Diet Survey”.

More Americans know about the link between diet and heart disease.
  • The percent of the U.S. population who know diet is related to heart disease increased from 83% in 2002 to 91% in 2008.
    • Among them, fats were frequently mentioned as related to heart disease, 53% in 2002, and 62% in 2008
  • The percent of the U.S. population who know that certain foods or drinks may help prevent heart disease or heart attacks remained the same in 2002 and 2008 at 81%. Fruits and vegetables were most frequently linked with reducing heart disease.
    • However, of those who were aware of the link, fewer mentioned the link between vegetables and heart disease (49% in 2002 and 34% in 2008) and between fruits and heart disease (36% in 2002 and 32% in 2008).
Americans’ knowledge of relationship between the types of fat they eat and heart disease has risen dramatically:
  • The percent of the U.S. population that correctly identify that trans fat in the diet may raise the risk of heart disease has almost doubled in only four years- from 32% in 2004 to 62% in 2008.
  • The percent of the U.S. population that correctly identify that omega 3 fatty acids may lower the risk of heart disease increased from 31% in 2004 to 52% in 2008.
  • The percent of the U.S. population that correctly identify that saturated fat may raise the risk of heart disease did not show much change from 74% in 2004 to 73% in 2008.
Americans’ use of the food label has increased:
  • The percent of the U.S. population that report “often” reading a food label the first time they buy a product increased from 44% in 2002 to 54% in 2008.
  • Of those that read food labels when purchasing a product for the first time in 2008, the food label was most often used to:
    • See how high or low a food is in things like calories, salt, vitamins or fat (two-thirds of consumers).
    • Get a general idea of the nutritional content of the food (over one-half).
  • Reported use of calorie information on the food label is mixed with almost one-half (46%) of the U.S. population saying they often use the label to gain calorie information and about one-third (34%) rarely or never using calorie information.
Use of nutrient content claims on the front of food packages is mixed among Americans.
  • Reported use of nutrient content claims such as “low fat,” “high fiber,” and “cholesterol-free” is also mixed
    • 38% of the U.S. population using such claims often,
    • 34% sometimes, and
    • 27% rarely/never using these types of claims.
  • Reported use of the claim “0 grams of trans fat” is also mixed.
    • 31% of the U.S. population saying they often refer to this claim,
    • 36% sometimes, and
    • 32% rarely/never refer to this claim.
Americans express different degrees of trust about claims on food labels.
  • 41% of Americans trust that all or most of the nutrient claims such as “low fat” or “high fiber” are accurate while 56% believe that some or none of them are accurate.
  • 56% of those who have ever used the “0 grams of trans fat” claim believe that all or most of the trans-fat claims are accurate, while another 42% of them believe only some or none of the claims are accurate.
Almost two-thirds (64%) of Americans report seeing nutrition labeling on menus, napkins or place mats in restaurants and about one-half of them use the information often or sometimes.
From my reading and analyzing the food labeling and nutrition information sections, I found that many policies and regulations are set in place to ensure food safety and to ensure consumers are fully educated with nutrition information of their foods they eat.  On the other hand, after researching the obesity rates across the U.S., obesity across the U.S. has practically doubled since 1990 (Center for Disease Control and Prevention). Below is a comparison of the obesity increases from 1990-2009.
After this discovery of information, the FDA has taken the necessary measures to ensure appropriate food safety and the delivery of truthful information of food facts, but they need to have new policies in place to promote healthier eating patterns to reduce the rate of obesity and the multitude of health risks that are involved with this.  According to Professor Becker, the average life span for our current generation has dropped to age 57.  The average lifespan for the baby boomers is 79 years of age.  If the FDA does not tighten their policies and regulations of the manufacturing of certain foods, the U.S. as a whole will perish a lot sooner than we think.
According to the Office of Dietary Supplements, National Institute of Health, Congress in the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act, which became law in 1994, a dietary supplement is a product (other than tobacco) that meets one of the following below standards:
  • is intended to supplement the diet;
  • contains one or more dietary ingredients (including vitamins; minerals; herbs or other botanicals; amino acids; and other substances) or their constituents;
  • is intended to be taken by mouth as a pill, capsule, tablet, or liquid; and
  • is labeled on the front panel as being a dietary supplement.
The FDA regulates Dietary Supplements under a completely different set of regulations than conventional foods and prescription drugs.  Dietary Supplements are monitored and regulated under the Dietary Supplement Health and Education Act of 1994 (DSHEA).  The Act states that the dietary supplement manufacturer is responsible for ensuring that a dietary supplement is safe before it is marketed. The FDA is responsible for taking action against any unsafe dietary supplement product after it reaches the market.  Generally, the manufacturers do not need to register their products with the FDA nor get FDA approval before producing or selling dietary supplements. Manufacturers must make sure that product label information is truthful and not misleading.  The FDA also regulates post-marketing of dietary supplement information.  These responsibilities include monitoring safety, e.g. voluntary dietary supplement adverse event reporting, and product information, such as labeling, claims, package inserts, and accompanying literature.  Along with marketing, the Federal Trade Commission work hand and hand with the FDA to regulate dietary supplement advertising. (FDA)
After analysis of all research, dietary supplements are definitely not being regulated enough.  There are several instances within the dietary supplement market where companies create supplements merely as an avenue to produce movement/revenue in the economy.  According to Karen Gauci R.D., your body only absorbs 10% of any vitamin or supplement you ingest.  That means if you take a 100 Mg vitamin tablet, you will only absorb 10 Mg.  Mrs. Gauci also stated that supplements just make your organs work extra hard to break down an unnecessary combination of ingredients you can get from just eating healthy foods. However, supplement companies do not provide clients with this information and instead market the supplements in a way that seem quite health beneficial and necessary.
The FDA also sets regulations that deal with biotechnology and manufacturing foods.  In the Federal Register of May 29, 1992, FDA published its "Statement of Policy: Foods Derived from New Plant Varieties". The 1992 policy clarified the agency's interpretation of the application of the Federal Food, Drug, and Cosmetic Act with respect to human foods and animal feeds derived from new plant varieties and provided guidance to the industry on scientific and regulatory issues relating to these foods. The 1992 policy applied to all foods derived from all new plant varieties, including varieties that are developed using recombinant deoxyribonucleic acid (rDNA) technology. This site refers to foods derived from plant varieties that are developed using rDNA technology as "bioengineered foods."
According to Biochemical Engineering students Matthew Kuure-Kinsey and Beth McCooey, they describe rDNA as being the general name for taking a piece of one DNA, and combining it with another strand of DNA. Thus, the name recombinant! Recombinant DNA is also sometimes referred to as "chimera." By combining two or more different strands of DNA, scientists are able to create a new strand of DNA.
The most common recombinant process involves combining the DNA of two different organisms.  Under the 1992 policy, any new rDNA plant manufacturer must complete a vigorous set of actions and testing as well as show nutritional value when applying for licensing to manufacture food products for the consumer market. 
There have been some articles and scientists that claim that hormones and food additives have increased the growth rate of children over the course of a decade.  After analysis of the biotechnology of food production and further investigation on this matter, I have determined that further research must be completed to make any suggestions or provide any feedback for improvement in this area of the FDA. 
The Food Umbrella of the FDA plays a vital role in the United States, from the importance to the economy, to the safety of our country’s food supply and striving to maintain the safety of the American people.  Throughout this paper, I have analyzed compliance and regulations, food labeling and nutrition information guidelines, policies and regulations directed toward dietary supplements, and bio-engineered foods.  Upon completion of my paper, I have determined that the FDA is working hard to keep the current system running to ensure public health and safety, but there is always room for improvement in any system of administration that is established at this level of magnitude.  Food labeling and nutrition information is well regulated, but dietary supplements are a wide open market that has potential to cause serious damage of American citizens.  The FDA will continue to try their best to monitor and regulate the complete spectrum of the food and nutrition areas.