Saturday, December 17, 2011

Holiday Tips to Stay on Top

Well, its that time of the year again and it seems like the whole year has flown by with a blink of your eyes.  A lot of us wonder where the past year has gone, and time was not our our side!!!  I know a lot of people, including myself, that has made complete lifestyle transformations for a healthy lifestyle.  I just wanted to pass along a few of my own techniques to help you get through the holidays so you don't feel like you have wasted all the hard work you have put into yourself over the past few months, and yes, it is very easy to fall off the "Health" Bandwagon during the holidays if you are not careful.
One of the most important things you can do this time of the year for yourself, your family, and friends is to stay positive, NO MATTER WHAT!!!  Believe it or not, people notice if you are having a bad day.  When you wake up in the morning, tell yourself as you are lying in bed, "I will have a great day today!"  Staying positive will help others around you absorb your positive energy and ensure that everyone is happy during the holidays.
Secondly, I know first hand that eating healthy during this time of the year is next to impossible.  So my advice to all of you is PORTION CONTROL.  Do not let people shove food down your throat!  Establish your ground when it comes to dinner and dessert time.  Enjoy the food that everyone prepares, but just don't over do it.  Most of the time, the pot luck dinners are  prepared with some of the most unhealthiest ingredients in the stores.  Same with the desserts.  Enjoy the food around you, just in moderation.  Trust me, people will notice when you demonstrate self control when it comes to dinner and dessert time and they will look up to you for motivation when they make that first step to a healthier lifestyle.
Lastly, going to the gym or exercising seems to get pushed to the bottom of our to-do lists during the holidays.  Instead of going to the gym or going to a group fitness class, engage in some group sport activities with your family.  Get outdoors if the weather permits.  Go on a walk with your parents after dinner or walk a few times around the mall for a little bit of exercise.  This will help to keep burning the calories even though you are not at the gym.  Most importantly, make sure you initiate the physical activity so people can see you are serious about the new lifestyle changes you have made for yourself and then they will be motivated to follow suit.
Remember the three easy tips this Christmas to keep your personal health goals on track: STAY POSITIVE, PORTION CONTROL, and FUN PHYSICAL FAMILY ACTIVITIES.  I promise, if you can stick to these tricks this year, you not only will have a unforgettable time with your family and friends, you will help change lives, especially ones that mean the most to you. 
I hope everyone has a MERRY CHRISTMAS!!!!!

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