(NOTE: 1 gram of Protein = 4 cal; 1 gram of Carbohydrates = 4 cal; 1 gram of Fat = 9 cal; 1 gram of Alcohol = 7 cal)
From my own experience and observations, Americans over consume daily recommended food intake, which over time, evolves into obesity and increases your chances to attract a variety of health issues further in adulthood.
The key to properly maintaining a balanced (calorie) meal plan is making sure you are primarily aware of approximately how many calories your body uses on a daily basis to begin with. Once we determine the average recommended calorie intake based on your gender and weight, we then can begin to design a fitness program that will best suit your wellness goals.
Follow the steps below to find your approximate daily caloric expenditure:
- For Women- Take weight X(multiply) 10 = (Answer1) -----------For Men - Take Weight X(multiply) 11 = (Answer1)
- Determine you daily activity. (Sedentary...20%; Light/Moderate...30%; Moderate/Very Active...40%; Very Active...50%) - Activity level% X(multiply) Answer1 = (Answer2), then add answer2 to answer1 = (Answer3).
- Multiply 10% (Amount of energy used for digestion) by Answer3 = (Answer4)
- Add Answer3 to Answer4=TOTAL Daily Estimated caloric intake
Feel free to drop me an email and I will educate and direct you on the value of healthy nutrition and tips on how to change your eating patterns without eating a boring meal plan. You can also consult the MyPyramid.gov website to find helpful information and tips on how to engage your diet to ensure a balanced and healthy lifestyle.
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