Thursday, April 21, 2011

12 Nutrition Tips for Athletes, and Anyone else Who is Living an Active Lifestyle

Thanks to Florida Atlantic University, I found 12 Nutrition Rules for Athletes.  A document published by their athletics department.  Funny thing is, ANYONE can following these rules and benefit from a multitude of ways, from increased levels of energy, to lowering blood cholesterol, as well as helping to prevent a variety of diseases and cancers.


RULE 1: Eat a large breakfast that contains carbohydrates and protein

NOTE 1:  This helps jump start our bodies for the day.  I like to use the example of filling up your gas tank before you go on a long day trip.  Your body is the same way.  If you don't fuel your body with energy, you will usually be sluggish and tired until you either put caffeine (See Below Rule on Caffeine) or food you your system.

RULE 2: Eat a minimum of 4 meals a day, 5-6 would be best and eat every
2-3 hours

NOTE 2:  By eating more meals throughout your day, keeps your metabolism going, burning energy all day (calories).  Depending on your average caloric intake, for smaller individuals smaller meals are just as good.

RULE 3: Carry a water bottle with you and drink even when you are not

NOTE 3It is estimated that 100 oz of water should be consumed daily at a minimum depending on activity level, for more active people, you need to drink more water.

RULE 4: Sleep a minimum of 8 hours a night; your body repairs/recovers
when at rest. Sleep= gains in muscle strength and size

NOTE 4I know its hard for us to get good sleep.  My advice would be to increase your intensity during training so you tire yourself out, or if you do not currently exercise, I suggest starting to.  Go to the gym and sign-up, go get a personal trainer to educate you on proper posture and technique.  I always ask people I talk to, "What are you doing to insure your health?"

RULE 5: Take a daily multiple vitamin/mineral supplement cleared by
strength or training staff

NOTE 5If you eat the right amount of foods in each food group, you do not have to take a multi-vitamin.  I suggest you keep a food log, take it to your Physician or Dietitian, and ask them if you need to take a vitamin supplement.  Most supplements on the market are not tested and/or even approved by the FDA for health risks.  You are the guinea-pig if you are taking a bunch of supplements and vitamins.

RULE 6: Eat protein, carbohydrates, good fat and vegetables at every meal

NOTE 6Remember to mix it up.  Always keep a variety of color on your plate.  That helps you make sure you get the slue of nutrients for your body, obviously if you are eating healthy, you will have positive externalities.

RULE 7: Eat more raw vegetables. Ex: Uncooked carrots, broccoli,
cucumbers, onions, tomatoes. At least 5 servings. More = Better

NOTE 7There are tons of studies out there that show raw  fruits and vegetables provide a ton of health benefits for Americans.  If you don't like veggies or fruits, well, force yourself to start liking them.  You will eventually adjust.

RULE 8: Eat a complete meal (Rule 6) 15-45 minutes after activity,
conditioning, or weight training. Eat a small meal 30-60 minutes before

NOTE 8This helps ensure your body always has energy for all types of activities, from working out to working at the office before your activity and to ensure you have enough calories in your system to refuel your energy stores.

RULE 9: Limit your self to one of the following per week: fast food, fried
foods, pizza, cheeseburgers, sweet snacks. Fried food 95%
unhealthy, 5% healthy

NOTE 9If you don't have to eat out or go to fast food, then just stay away.  If you are forced to be in a restaurant, then bring your own healthy meal.  Be the example, don't follow the example!

RULE 10: Do not drink cola, iced tea or any other drinks that contain:
caffeine, carbonation or high sugar content. Ex: Pepsi, grape drink,
iced tea, lemonade, energy drinks

NOTE 10I mean come ON!!!  If you not drinking mostly water at this point, then you better begin my friend.  If you drink soda, just stop.  Drink water!  Get a juicer and make fresh juice, don't drink processed juices at the store.

RULE 11: Last meal (small) of the day should be 1.5-2 hours before you
go to bed, mostly protein

NOTE 11The calories at the the end of the night help fuel your body for the repairs it makes from any physical activity you had earlier that day.  Also, just keep in mind, the extra calories you consume that do not get used for energy, get store as FAT!

RULE 12: To gain weight eat more and more often, to lose fat eat the same
amount of calories but eat more often

NOTE 12Check to find your average daily intake depending on your age, height, weight, and activity level. Or you can just call me up and schedule an appointment and I will guide you on your path to a healthy lifestyle.

Like I mentioned last week, keeping a food log will be very beneficial for keeping your self aware of what you put in your body.  And it most importantly helps you develop personal accountability.  Try it out and see how it works for you.  Get a little notebook and start writing the time you eat and what you eat (include servings).  As a personal trainer I use food logs for my clients to see how dedicated they are in achieving their fitness goals.  I can tell that a client is in 100 % when they keep they food journals beginning our program.

If you have any questions, please feel free to drop me line.

(All Notes in blue, are my own comments, not the authors of 12 Nutrition Rules for Athletes document.  All my answers have been researched and derived from the American Dietetic Associations Complete Food and Nutrition Guide,, and my own personal experience.)

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